Thursday, November 15, 2012

So I met a new cousin what's called Joseph and he bees seven but he looks like a baby acause he bees only a part of a Boxer. His Momma bees a Shitzu. That means you is a Shit-Box, Joseph, I tole him. And he went and chomped on my ear and hunged on there like his wife defended on it. I hadda swat him offa me. Momma seen Joseph flying acrossed the coffee table and she yelled, Mister George! You git to your room! But that Shit-Box bited me on my ear, I tole her; and she sayed, mind my mouth, young man. My ear is prawly broke; and that Joseph Shit-Box bees eatin' my liver-snaps to make him shut hims stupid whining up. I doesn't like my new cousin so much.

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