Friday, November 16, 2012

I gotted all spiffied up for a special night at Obee Dance School tonight, acause we was puttin' on a showoff for everbody can come an' see what we been learnin'.  I maked a secret surprise for Momma; so when Mrs. Barker sayed sit, and all the nother kids sitted down; I jus' tap, tappity, tap-danced like popcorn on a campfire. Alls a Mommies and Daddies was laughin' and clappin'on me. Then Mrs.Barker gotted to clickin' up a crazy on her clicker; which, that soaked in very good with my tappin'. Seem to me like everbody loved my tappy surprise, but most the specially  Momma. She weren't clappin', acause she beed coverin' her little face on account a her cryin'. Proud as a punch-bowl.

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