Monday, November 19, 2012

Grammy gotted herself in a pickle jar today acause she tored apart Mr. Brown's be-cyclin' and he catched her in the yact. Then he chased her all a ways home. I tole Grammy, you hide; and then I putted on my super disguise mask afore Mr. Brown beed bangin' on our door. Where is your Momma, George, he sayed, all fulla mad. I is the Momma, Mr. Brown, I tole him. Then I sayed, there don't bees any doggies here, only my baby alligators. And I beed talkin' all squeaky like a momma alligator. Then I sayed, have a nice day, and I shutted the door. I seen his mouth hangin' open, but he couldn't say nothin'. Prawly he's ascared a alligators. But I saved the day for Grammy; and I ain't gonna open my big yapper and tell nobody nothin'. Just like Grammy sayed.

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