Saturday, November 17, 2012

Momma been scarin' a haystack outta me today. Ever time I turns around she bees there yellin' at me. George! Git outta that laundry. Which, I's just lookin' for my blankie. George! Stop diggin' in the couch. And I only beed checkin' if she losed any quarters in there. When she sayed to stop eatin' the garbage; that done it. Firsty, I's only makin' sure she weren't throwin' out nothin' a mine. And twosy; I ain't no garbage-eater.Turn yous face offa me, Momma! I hollered at her. Then afore she could say nothin', I sayed, you looks like yous wearin' a bag a donkey tails for hair today. Then I just sended mine own self to bed.

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