Sunday, November 18, 2012

I seen the handsomest big man Boxer Dog today. He gotted pointy ears like little tee-pees sittin' on hims head. I wants them ears so bad. But Momma sayed that if the Lord wanted me to have pointy ears, he woulda gived me them. She even sayed they was faker ears. So I splained to Momma 'bout sometime if I doesn't does what I's tole, it bees acause I doesn't hear her. Acause my ears is in my ears. I could be such a good boy, I tole her, with ears what bees like little satellite dishes. But, no. No way, hosey, she sayed. So now I been brushin' 'em back like as if they's short. It ain't so bad. Momma hates 'em this way. I's glad.

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