Monday, March 25, 2013

Today I turned a little bit into a big boy acause Grampy taked me to hims Barbara Shop and he tole Barbara Sam for to give me a man's haircut. And he sayed, don't be puttin' none a that girlie smellin' rosie clover goop on him, neither, Barbara Sam. George here bees a boxer boy, and he oughts a smell like one. When I gotted in hims chair, I whispered on Barbara Sam, can you just give me a number one on the sides and leave the tops alone? I all a time been wantin' for to has a mohawk; and Barbara Sam winked on me and done like I axed! Thanks goodness what Grampy bees so blind acause when he sayed, c'mere boy, let's has a look-see; I just letted him feel my butts astead a my head. He thunk my haircut beed great. Then he taked a big sniff a my butts and sayed, now you smells like a man, Georgie. And then Barbara Sam winked on me again. Maybe I's gonna wanna be a Barbara someday, too.

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