Sunday, March 17, 2013

This mornin' Grammy hadded green beer for breakfast acause she bees salivatin' a special day today. She tole me, 'bout twenty or a hundred years ago there beed a little boy in Irishland called Patrick, but everbody all a time been callin' him Faddy Paddy. That weren't so nice on him, but he did been pretty pudgey for a little boy, Grammy sayed. Finally one day, Faddy Paddy thunk, I's gonna show everbody; and he started runnin' for to lose some weight. Him's runnin' maked such a thump-thump acrossed the land what all the snakes gotted scared and jumped into the ocean. Which, Faddy Paddy saved the day acause afore that, them snakes beed eatin' everbodies potatoes. So when Faddy Paddy comed home, Murray O'Malley, the mayor a Irishland sayed, don't nobody call Faddy Paddy faddy no more; that boy bees a saint! And everbody cheered, hooray, Saint Patrick, hooray! I axed Grammy how come her beer bees green and she sayed, prawly acause nobody gonna wanna drink blue beers.

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