Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Momma gots magic sausage underwears what she calls spanky pants and she wears 'em if she wanna bees only chubby astead a tubby some days. I loves them spanky pants. Evertime Momma brings 'em out, I grabs 'em. Then Momma grabs 'em; and if she tugs real hard, I flies all over the house. They's like bungy pants. 'Cept today, Momma letted go. Them spanky pants slapped me in my face worser than Trixie Jackson done when I tried a kiss her ahind her berandah. I screamed like a kitty stucked up a tree; which, I weren't even plannin' that. It just comed outta my mouth. Now my lips bees fat, and I can't not whistle no more.

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