Saturday, March 16, 2013

Today I axed Momma, can I please, please, pleeeze has a birdie, Momma? And she sayed, nope. So I sayed, Momma, how come you all the time never lets me has a pet? Then she tole me, a course you can't not has a pet, Georgie; you IS a pet! ................. WHAT? I beed horrifyin' acause I seed what Momma weren't not jokin' on me. And Momma beed horrifyin' acause she seed what I weren't not jokin' neither. I doesn't knows what in the carnation Momma beed thinkin' all my whole life; but ya doesn't has a Boxer Dog and jus' spect what it bees a pet. If she wants a has a pet so bad, she oughta shoulda gotta goldfish. Grammy gonna has to has a talk at her.

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