Friday, March 22, 2013

Mrs. Mako down the street gots a little baby pool what's called a hot tub, and it ain't even maked for swimmin'; only you can sit down and belax in it. Which, I needs for to belax. But Mrs. Mako all a time says, sorry George, no doggies bees allowed in my hot tub. Today I tried a tricker on Mrs. Mako and I goed to her hot tub pool lookin' like a rubber duckie. She sayed, hi there Georgie, what does you thinks you is doin'? I talked all quackity and I sayed, I doesn't knows no Georgie. I is Robert Rubber Duckie. Then she sayed, well, how come you gots doggie feets sitckin' outta yous body, Robert? When I tried a hide my feets, I poked a hole in Robert and we flewed acrossed the yard on a giant fart. Me and Robert gotted stucked in the fence, and Mr. Mako hadda saw us outta it. Prawly I hopes what Momma gonna unnerstand what it really bees all Robert's fault. She gottsa pay for the hole in the fence.

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