Saturday, March 23, 2013

Momma teached me all kinda party tricks and I all a time thunk what I beed so smart acause everbody what seed my tricks sayed, oh George, you is so smart! 'Cept today I hadda go and find out what really I beed bein' a prevert. Clive telled me a prevert bees a boy what goes 'round showin' off hims manly junks at strangers; and when I sits pretty, my junks bees pokin' right out there like as if theys gonna say hello. I can't not believe what how much everbody has seed my junks all my whole life; and I is so blood-bubbly mad on Momma what I thinks my head bees gonna splode. She can just forget all her prevert tricks. I ain't even gonna eat atill I gets a pair a pants.

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