Friday, March 15, 2013

Momma gots a get her walkies ever day, else she bees stirred-up crazy. So when it beed rainin' all day today, I weren't mindin' acause I gots a new rain honcho what I boughted when I taked Grammy's bottles back to the beer shop. I called at Momma, go get yous leash, Momma, an' I's gonna take you out. And then I gotted my rain gear on for to surprise her. Which, she sure beed surprised on me. What in the name a Howard Monk does you thinks you is wearin', Georgie? You looks like a giant duck. If you goes out lookin' like that, some hunter gonna shoot you. Go get changed, young man. I axed Momma, who the hay bees Howard Monk? And she sayed, I doesn't know. So I sayed, well, I isn't changin' then. I taked her for her walk and I never got shooted by no hunter; and I beed nice an' cozy dry when we gotted home. I tole Momma, prawly you better look out for mouse traps, Momma, acause you looks like a drownded rat. She didn't thunk that beed so funny.

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