Monday, March 18, 2013

Clive bugs me. He all a time thinks what he bees so smart just acause he bees older an me. Like today when he seed me he laughed on me and sayed,who does you thinks you is, George? Lock Tess the Monster? I tole him, no, Clive, I's a bee skeeper, and this bees my bee skeeper uniform. I's bein a bee skeeper for to sell theys honey and buy mine self a shiny red bike. Then Clive sayed what I is such a idiot. Yous Momma gonna throw a flip-flop-fit when she sees yous bees buzzin' all 'round. Which, that beed my chance for to laugh on Clive. I tole him, you better cover yous self up with a beach towel, Clive, acause yous stupid bees showin'. Momma never gonna see no bees. Everbody knows what bees lives in a HIDE, Clive. He just walked away lookin' all dumb-faced. Prawly he don't even knows whats a beach towel.

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