Thursday, January 31, 2013

Somethin' very very bees wrong with Momma today. Firsty, she talked rude on me and sayed, come here you smelly boy; you gots to has a bath. So I comed here, and when I seed the bathtub all fulla flowerish bubbles, I thunk Momma musta eated too many watermelon seeds when she beed a baby and now she bees crazy. I sayed, that bees a bath what naked girls sits in and sticks theys legs outta for to shave 'em. I ain't gettin' in there. Then I hadda run, and ditch, and dodge that woman atill she gived up her stupid idea. Now she bees mad on me and she tole me I isn't sleepin' in the bed when I bees smelly. Which, that bees fine with me acause I doesn't wanna sleep there atill she stops bein' crazy.

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