Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I seen a strangest and a luckiest thing today. When I beed playin' around the hallway, alls of a suddenly, a little boy what looks just like me pops up right a front a my eye. When I stands, he stands. When I sits, he sits. He don't say nothin' the whole time. Which, that beed gettin' me mad, so I yells, STOP COPYIN' ME on him. And he yells back on me zactly the same time. Momma sayed, George, why is you barkin' yous fool head off? So I shows her the strange boy, and she laughed. She sayed, that bees you, Georgie, look... and when she petted my head; hims head been petted too. It bees too hard for my magination. But the lucky thing is; next time somethin' bees broke, or chewed, or piddled on, prawly it's gonna be that other George what done it.

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