Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today I drived Momma crazy acause I beed a Mystery Man. When Momma sayed, George, is you hungry? I sayed, maybe I is... and maybe I isn't. When she axed, does I wants a walk? I tole her, maybe I does... and maybe I doesn't. Would I like a liver-snap? Maybe I would... and maybe I doesn't would. I thunk it beed soo funny; 'cept when Momma wanted to know does I needs to go pee-pee and I sayed, maybe I does... and maybe I doesn't. But I forgetted what I hadda go really bad. And Momma been sickintired with my mysteryness. So I hadda have a sneaky pee on the bath mat. Maybe I's gonna be catched... or maybe Momma gonna think, holy crows, I musta hadda super wet bath tonight!

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