Sunday, January 20, 2013

Today at Sunday School, Mrs. Pearson teached us what it bees very very bad for to tell lies. And God don't likes it what so all. Which, I doesn't wanna be knockin' on Him's door and God gonna say, git offa my door you smelly-soul boy. So tonight at supper I besided for to clean up mine soul; and I tole everone what I bees the one what peed on the rug. And I peed on the mailbox, and I eated the table leg and torn up the garbage. This truthin' feeled so good what I keeped on goin; and I tole Momma what this beef stew bees gross, and I tole Grampy what he do gots one ear longer than the tother and it really don't looks so fine like I sayed afore. They looked on me with open-hangin' mouths like as if they bees seein' a angel. I gots a sparkly soul now.

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