Monday, January 14, 2013

I beed a farmer boy today acause Clive telled me 'bout a game whats called cow-tippin' and how it bees very funny when sleepin' cows gets knocked over and theys little legs sticks out all wiggly and they yells MOO. So when Momma felled asleep on the couch sittin' right straight like she do ever night, I sneakered ahind her and tipped her onto the floor. Her little legs been stickin' out just like them cows! You ain't funny, George, she yelled on me. You wipes yous smirks outta yous face right now. But I hadda hide my face acause I can't get  my smirks offa it. She don't know it,  but when Momma hitted the ground, she even yelled MOO! My Momma bees a heelarious cow.

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