Thursday, January 24, 2013

Grampy goed garbage pickin' today and he bringed me home a bow tie what he sayed bees very handsome-makin' on me. So a course I putted it on and I goed out feelin' all handsomed up; atill I seen Clive and Scabby and them two beed laughin on me so hard what Clive felled right over. Which, then I telled on Clive to Grampy, and Grampy even hadda cross hims legs he beed laughin' so much. If I only hadda nic-tic a braveness, I'd a beed tellin' Grampy, don't you never bring me yous garbage bow ties never again in my whole life. But I's too chicken. I's waitin' for Momma to get home and cut this stupid thing offa me.

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