Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I gotted dressed all handsome today acause Momma boughted me a banker shirt at the Goodwill Boutique, and Grampy thunk I beed very spiffy lookin'. He sayed alla girls prawly gonna be sniffin' on me real good. Which, Grammy Bob don't like it when Grampy talks dirty. She tole me, member, Georgie, true handsome bees on a inside a doggies; and Grampy snorkled and sayed that only ugly doggies says things like that. Then Grammy flewed at Grampy and tried a bite hims neck but her teeths gotted stuck in hims collar and the rest a her crashed on the floor. Grampy sayed, Georgie, would you mind to please give that pretty lady back her teeths? But Grammy beed spittin' and snarlin' up a awful storm; and I didn't wanna get my handsome new shirt all spitted up... so now Grammy haven't spoke to none a us all day.

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