Thursday, January 17, 2013

Momma gonna get a big lesson 'bout bareassment, acause I weren't allowed to meet Clive after school on mine own self, and she hadda come with me, and she keeped on rubbin' on mine ears and callin' me Sweetie and alla kids and everbody seen it. That bees bareassment. So tonight we's goin to the church rummage sale and I's dressin' up like a hula girl. And I ain't comin' out atil it bees too late for to change. And I's gonna stick on Momma's leg like mashed potaters on a pot. And lean on her. And rub on her leg atil it bees a vallergic rash. She gonna be bareassed to deaf. Then I's gonna say, how does ya like them fleas in yous pyjamas, Momma? Or, prawly I won't say nothin'.

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