Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I seed somethin' unpossible today guess what it beed it beed a ghost! Momma been watchin' her Soap Hoppers and she sayed, Georgie, don't asturb me when I's watchin' my Soap Hoppers; so I goed into the kitchen. There it beed! It been all white and ghosty, and it talked quiet and windy on me. Georgieee, they bees peanut butter on the coun-terrr. I thinks you can prawly reeeech it. Verry goood, Georgieee. Nowww, EAT IT UP! And then it beed gone. I hided the empty jar in the toilet, and I thinks I's prawly not gonna get catched, acause, nobody never spects for to see peanut butter in theys toilet.

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