Monday, May 13, 2013

When Grammy gotted home from the beer shop this mornin', she finded me knocked up unconscious on the grass acause I were betendin' I beed a squirrell and I felled outta the tree. She shooked me for to wake up and sayed, oh, Georgie, is ya OK? And I just sayed, huh? Acause I catched the magnesia, and I didn't not know what Grammy beed Grammy. I never even knowed what I beed I. She axed me, does ya knows yous name, Georgie? I sayed, maybe I bees Roscoe Boscoe. Then she axed, well, does ya knows who I is? I tole her, ya looks like Hagatha the Homely Homeless Orphan. She clobbered me on my head with her beer bag; and all in a suddenly, Grammy beed Grammy again. She sayed, I knowed what a hair a the dog what bited ya would fix ya up. Which, that sure the haystack weren't no doggie hair. But I just goed inside for to put ice on my gooses egg afore she setted her brains for to clobber me again.

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