Saturday, May 4, 2013

Me and Scabby Doyle beed laughin' today 'bout how come lotsa lotsa doggies is lookin' like theys Momma and Daddy peoples. Mr. Brown look like hims bassett hound, Sandford. And Miss Raquel look just a same as she's afghan, Giselle. Then all on a sudden, I thunk, hey, wait a minute... I runned fast fast home for to tole Momma, guess what, Momma? Come look in the mirror, Momma. See yous hair-do? It bees just like a pair a flappy ears! And look on yous face, Momma. Yous face hang down past yous chins, just as same as me. You even drools outta yous cheeks if you smells food; and I doos that too! You looks zactly the same like me, Momma! Well, Momma busted up a cry what I ain't heared since we hadded a full moon. Prawly she bees all proudish acause no one never gonna hafta say, hey, Georgie, who's yous Momma? Acause everbody all a time can tole what my Momma bees that boxer-dog-face lady.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - I just googled "George Boxer Dog" and this came up. We have a Boxer named George who is also famous!
