Everbody bees ascared a this bully what bees called Wolfgang the Schnauzer; but I tole him, jus' acause ya gots a wolf 'n a gang in yous name, that don't makes you so tough you hairy face shorty pants. Then, bing-bang... I beed on the ground! He jus' looked down on me and sayed what I better knows some Partial Arts afore I bees messin' with him again. So now I is Ju Jitsu George. And I is gonna has a black belt as soon as I gets some lessons. I axed Grammy can she got me a Ju Jitsu Dojo; but I shoulda yelled on her acause she gotted all mad and twisted my ear. She sayed what I don't not deserves no jujubes if I is gonna call her rude names. You can take yous fancy pee-jammies right up to bed, she tole me. I keeps forgettin' what Grammy has catched the heart of hearin' offa her foolish-headed karoake. Momma telled me that.
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