Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Everbody bees mad on me today and it ain't even mine own fault. First on alls, Grampy maked a big fart and sayed, that one sure doos gots teeths in it! So I axed him, was you wearin' Grammy's teeths again, Grampy? Acause I figured what maybe he swallered 'em on accident, and that bees how come he bees fartin' 'em out now. So then Grampy beed mad what I tole on him 'bout usin' Grammy's teeths. And then Grammy been mad acause she don't likes nobody talkin' 'bout her fakey teeths. And then Momma gotted mad acause she thunk what it beed ME what were talkin' 'bout farts and she sayed, don't not talk so rude, George, fart bees a dirty word. Which, no it ain't. And farts don't gots teeths, neither. But at the endin', they was all fartin' and squabblin', and nobody were listenin' to me what so all.

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