Saturday, May 18, 2013

I is pretty darn tootin' sure what Momma never gonnas let me has a pet. So today I hadded a great idea, and I tole her what I really really needs a brother or a sister. ('Cept I only wants a sister if it don't gots a be a girl.) But Momma sayed, oh Georgie, you is everthin' to me. We doesn't need nobody else. Which, that bees dandylions for her; but what about me? So I been hidin' all the liver long day today, and when Momma say, Georgie, where is you? I jus' bees quiet and don't not hardly breathes. Prawly in a couple or a few days, she gonna get us a beautiful baby beagle. I hopes what she better wouldn't not dare 'n get no cat. I'm rather stick a fork in mine eye.

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