Monday, May 6, 2013

I didn't not had a good day today. Momma tole me, stay inside today, George, it bees rainin' cats 'n dogs. Which, I thunk, well I gotsa see that. So I putted on my brella and I goed out for to has a look-see; and Mr. Brown sayed, hey, Georgie! Whats you doin' out here? It bees rainin' buckets! Then the mailman tole me, it bees a lovely day for ducks, George! I were walkin' all aroun' the town and I never seed no cats 'n  dogs, no ducks, no buckets. It just only were rainin' rain. I gotted so wet what I were ascared what my fur gonna shrink on me. Then Momma gonna say, George! You bees like a little baby now! You goed out in that rain and gotted shrunked up, didn't you? But even know I never gotted shrunked, Momma still gonna knows what I wented outside, and prawly she gonna be mad on me. I thinks what I catched my deaf of ammonia.

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