Saturday, April 20, 2013

Today I seed a girl what beed so pretty she were sparklin', and I tole Clive what I wishes what a pretty girl like that gonna wanna kiss on me. Clive sayed, that bees Loose Linda, George; she kisses on all the boys. Go axe her. So I goed and I axed her and she sayed no. Then she tole me, I don't not kisses no ugly boys, George. So I sayed OK, thanks you. And then I walked at Grampy's house feelin' all saddish and bareassed. I axed Grampy if I bees ugly and he sayed I prawly don't not gots a worry acause ugly ole caterpillars turns into beautiful butterflies. Do that means what I is gonna be a beautiful butterfly somedays, Grampy? I axed him. He sayed, a course not Georgie. You is a boxer dog. Which, that don't not makes no sense what so all. And now I still gots a find out how ugly I is afore I goes all over the town axin' for kisses.

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