Saturday, April 13, 2013

Momma bees makin' me stay in the laundry room today acause she gots a friend whats called Mary Jane; and Mary Jane bees gettin' married so she gots a come over at my house for to has a shower. Which, I doesn't know why Dirty Mary Jane don't not just takes a bath at her own house. But Momma maked all sort a goodies for to eat acause very a lots a girls is comin' over for to clean up Dirty Mary Jane. And I ain't allowed eatin' no goodies. And I ain't allowed comin' outta the laundry room, acause Dirty Mary Jane bees ascared a me and plus she bees vallergic. I beed mad on Momma at first, but then I seed Dirty Mary Jane gettin' outta her car. I'm rather stay in the laundry room, now. Prawly I don't not wanna see that big toothy face girl naked in the shower any ole how.

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