Saturday, April 6, 2013

I besided what I wants a be a Knight In Shiny Arms and so now I gots a find me a girl for to love acause the Knight In Shiny Arms bees apposed a rescue the Damsel in Dis Dress. Which, that bees a girl. And prawly I gots a buy her a dress, 'cept I doesn't has no white horse for to rescue her and take her shoppin'. We's just gonna hafta take a bus. But I thinks what my Damsel Girl gonna bees happy anyhow acause now she don't gots a worry 'bout gettin' burned up and eated by no dragon. She gonna say, oh, Georgie, you is my Knight In Shiny Arms. Then she prawlys gonna kiss on me. And after that, we's just gonna live happily over laughter.

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