Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today at Sunday School Mrs. Pearson teached us for to be grateful for everthins' what we haves. So when she axed, do anybody can help me with the garbage today? I putted up my hand for to show her what I bees full a great, just like she been sayin'. But then I thunk, why does I gonna waste all this good garbage? I oughts a eat it astead. When Mrs. Pearson catched me eatin' up the garbage, she screamed on me, Georgie! What the earths is you thinkin'? I tole her what I beed thinkin' on poor puppies what don't gots a get a eat good garbage like this. She sayed, go wipe off yous face; and don't not be smart with me, young man. So I sayed, duh, okee dokee,  Mrs. Pearson. And I were talkin' all stupidish. Which, that maked her madder on madder; and prawly I's pretty darn sure what she gonna tole Momma on me.

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