Sunday, February 24, 2013

Today at Sunday School, Mrs. Pearson teached us alls 'bout the Good 'n Smartin man what goed around bein' nice and helpin' peoples out. And she sayed what The Lord bees lookin' for boys 'n girls for to be on hims team. Which, I is good 'n smart, and I's nice to peoples; so prawly I's gonna get on the team. I maked a cheer what I been practicin' acause I been hopin' what maybe they's gonna say, hey, Georgie, you oughta be the captain a the team. Then I's gonna cheer; I's on the team a the    L-R-D! But then I thunk, prawly Jesus already bees the captain acause it bees hims father's team anyhows.

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