Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Grampy comed outta the bathroom with a mad on me today. He sayed, George, I just cracked my chin tryin' a get a drink acause there bees water all over a place in there. What the crispy cripes did you been doin? I tole him, sorry, Dude. I beed surfin'. So Grampy sayed there bees no allowed surfin' in the bathroom no more; which, I doesn't know how I's apposed a practice now. And then he sayed, and don't you call me Dude, neither. It bees unrespectful. But I sayed, no it ain't, Dude. It bees narly. He sayed, snarly? This bees snarly. And then he done snarled and tried a bite me on my butts; 'cept he missed acause he bees so half-blind. But I sayed, Yelp! Yelp!, anyhows; so Grampy don't gottas get all bareassed about he can't even bite my butts. That bees pretty not unrespectful.

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