Monday, February 25, 2013

Grammy bees in big troubles today acause she bited the mailman on hims bag. And hims mail felled out, too. She sayed it ain't her fault acause she thunk he beed the mean bus driver what throwed her offa hims bus acause he sayed what she stinked like a booze hound. Which, she don't even looks nothin' like no hound dog. So now the mailman tole us he ain't deliberin' no mail at our house no more; and Grammy sayed when Momma finds out, she gonnas throw a torpedo fit like we ain't seen in two counties since Nellie Douglas catched her stud sneakin' off with her floozy cousin Dutchess. Then she sayed what she needs a cold Screwdriver for to steady her nerves, but I thinks prawly she better not play with tools if she bees so shaky.

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