Thursday, February 7, 2013

I done hypmotizin' on Momma last night for to make her do what I wants, like I seed a man done on TV today. When she beed sleepin', I speaked spooky in her ear and I tole her; you bees verrry sleepy... yous eyes bees sooo heavy... you gots sleepy, heavy eyes, Momma...  Now, look at my eye... and concecrate at my talkin'... you gots to do what so all what I says, Momma. Milk bones bees verrry healthy... milk boones... milllk boones... we loves milk bones. And get George a motorcycle jacket. This mornin' she eated a bowl a milk bones with milk on it for breakfast; and she sayed she gonnas get a new coat after work. Prawly pretty soon, she gonna be doin' everthing I says.

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