Monday, February 4, 2013

I maked myself mine own tail today acause I been all a time wishin' I hadded a fine tail like a Collie or a Hound Dog. I bees so bareassed for to wag my tail acause it bees so stubby what my whole butt rattles. 'Cept, not no more! So I goed out with my brand new tail on and I seed a pack a mongrel mutts what gots nothin' better to do than hang theys faces on the corner. (That bees what Grammy says.) One of 'em hollered out, hey fellas, look at that Boxer Dog; he bees wearin a ASS WIG! Then they all laughed on me. So a course, I runned right straight home. I just telled mine self; that bees OK, Georgie, you bees a Floral Bread Boxer Dog. Maybe thems tails bees nice, but they still bees face-hangin' corner mutts.

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