Saturday, December 1, 2012

Today I thunk I will be a very fine store detective acause if everbody tries to put socks in they's pocket and steal 'em and they sees me watchin' 'em, they's only gonna think; my, oh my, what a cute little doggie. They's never gonna figure I's gonna jump on 'em and arrest 'em, specially acause I gots a disguise. But when me and Momma goed to the store today, a big man store detective grabbed on me and sayed, why is you wearin'a disguise, little doggie, is you tryin' to steal my milk bones? And then he hollered on the whole store, WILL GEORGE'S MOMMA PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE! And Momma sayed, Lordy Gordy, George, I can't take you nowheres and she maked me wait in the car. So then I beed a excellent car detective after that.

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