Thursday, December 6, 2012

I maked a idea for to be Momma's Little Helper today and have her slippers all cozy at the door for her when she gotted home. But some kinda things goed wrong on me. When I picked up them slippers, my mouth sayed, hey, I thinks I gots a jack rabbit in here. Then my nose sayed, I thinks I smells a forest critter. And my brain tole everthin', I thinks I's apposed to be Momma's Little Hunter. Next thing I knows, them bunnies is lookin' like a family a mouses. Which, I hadda hide 'em in the couch. Now Momma bees sayin' she gots to be losin' her marble acause she can't find them dang slippers. So I tole her, don't worry, Momma, I's gonna be here an save you if you sets yous hair on fire.

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