Monday, June 24, 2013

Today I were gonna be a cherry picker at Wilson's Cherries, 'cept I doesn't got no thumbs. Only lotsa toes on my feets. So astead, I beed a helper and I were pickin' up all the cherries what the ladies dropped and poppin' 'em in my mouth. The ladies called me, George the Cherry Popper; and they was all callin' on me, come here, Georgie, I needs ya for to pop my cherries! I beed such a good helper all the day long jus' poppin' cherries on one girl and then on the nother. When I tole Momma 'bout poppin' all them girls cherries today, shes eyebrows goed all hard and she sayed, I is gonna has to has a word with them ladies. I hopes she don't get me fired. I likes poppin' cherries.

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