Monday, June 3, 2013

Today I seed Clive hangin' on No Good Corner with a new boy whats called Twice Kool Keith. Clive axed me, ya knows why hims name bees Twice Kool, Georgie? Then Twice Kool Keith sayed, acause if I gotsa tell ya twice; I sends ya to the Smithereens on the end a my boot. And he were wearin' big black Harold Davidson boots, too. The both a them smiled on me and I sayed, does yous fellas been eatin' poops? Ya gots brown stuffs sticked on yous teeths. Then Clive popped a cigarette butt in hims mouth an' eated it. CIGARETTES, CLIVE? Is you a idiot? You is comin' home with me right now, I tole him. Then I bited hims ear good 'n hard. Which, I never even knowed what I were gonna done that. Twice Kool Keith gotted all snakey up in hims eyes and sayed, is ya forgettin' 'bout the Smithereens, Georgie? So I jus' axed Clive, what does ya rather has? Smithereens? Or Twice Mad Momma? He comed home with me. And he puked up all the way. I jus' thunk, well that serves you good now, don't it?

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