Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grammy losed her teeths in a taxicab when she beed comin' home from karaoke last night. Now she bees too bareassed for to go out nowheres with her gums all bare-naked; so I hadda kept on ridin' in taxicabs huntin' for her teeths today. I were lookin' in back seats, an' axin' drivers, did ya find any teeths in yous car? An' everbody sayed nope, I ain' seed no teeths here. Atill finally, I seed a taxicab driver what smiled zactly like Grammy. 'Cept with a man-mouth. I sayed, that bees a dandy smile ya gots there, sir. Is them new teeths? He sayed, as a matter on a fact, they is! I tole him, well, if you finded them teeths in yous car, then they bees my Grammy's teeths, an' ya gotsa give 'em back. But he sayed, they bees in my mouth now. That makes 'em mine. Which, that  maked me so mad what I yelled, THEY BEES BOXER BITCH TEETHS BUSTER! He jus' smiled Grammy's smile on me. So then I sayed all quiet and devilly, she drinks outta the toilet, ya know. He popped them teeths out faster than a spitball. And that bees how Grammy gotted her teeths back.

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