Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today has beed the funnest day on my whole attire life. Grammy taked me 'n Clive 'n Velma to a Musement Park, and we eated junk and goed on ever ride what I never even knowed about afore. I throwed up on the Tea Cups, and Velma cried acause her undie wears was showin' on the Fairies Wheel; but the bestest part was when Grammy's teeths flewed offa the Rolly Coaster and bited some fella you knows where on hims you knows what. Then the Security Boy hadda stop our ruckus, and he tole Grammy, you gotsa go home now, else I is callin' the Police. Which, that beed OK, acause Officer Bob Thompson drived us home, so we never even hadda wait for the bus! I can't not wait atil I gets to go again, but Officer Bob Thompson sayed what we prawly oughta wait for a few days or a year.

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