Wednesday, July 3, 2013


So I missed Canada Day, eh? I gotted all gussied up today for somebody can took me in theys topless car in a big fine parade where everbody gonna say, hey, that bees Georgie lookin' all Canada handsome! But Momma tole me what that been two days ago. I is so mad on her. I axed her, how come you gone and maked me miss my big parade, Momma? She tole me, you eated my shoe, George. Bemember? Which, no, I doesn't. And, plus, you can't not put shoes 'n parades in the same soup pot anyhow, I tole her. But she sayed, I can, 'n I done. It bees yous own fault, George. If you missed behaves, you doesn't get special treats like parades. Well, I thinks what accidents is only accidents; and eatin' shoes bees accidents. Missin' parades is missin' behavin'. That bees what Momma done. And I ain't changin', neither. She can look on me all the day and bemember what she done. Prawly I's gonna gussy up tomorrow, too.

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