Monday, July 8, 2013


Grampy hadded a closed call today acause he almost beed hitted by a truck when he were tryin' a pick a dime offa the road. Which, it were only a pop-top after alls. Then the biggest, ugliest, truckiest man I ever seen jumped outta hims truck and yelled on Grampy, why I oughta poke yous light out, fella. Grampy sayed, well, pardon me all the way to the beach, Missus; but it ain't my fault what yous cookin' prawly bees as ugly as yous face. Hows 'bout you git on home an' scream on yous husband astead! Thanks God what there beed a big line a cars honkin' 'n hollerin', so the ugly truck man hadda go. I tole Grampy, I knows you is as blind as a hockey stick, Grampy, but didn't ya heared that big mad man voice on him? Grampy just sayed, huh; I only jus' thunk what she beed a smoker.

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