Saturday, July 20, 2013

Momma tole me what she don't wanna hears the nother word 'bout I is boring today. She sayed, you gots a magination, Georgie, now git outside and play. So I were betendin' swimmin' up the sidewalk, an' a ole lady goed, look on that poor doggy; he gots the Devil's Dance Disease! Which, that gived me the greatest idea for to make horrify-ish devil noises on the same time what I doggy-paddled around. I were very scarin' everbody what seed me, and that maked me laugh a dancy devil laugh. Atill somebody telled my Momma. She yanked me outta my maginary water and axed me, why is ya actin' like a moron, George? I never even thunk I beed a moron. If I hadda beed a maginary billy-goat and eated everbody's socks; that woulda beed a moron. I thinks what my Momma just gots a dusty magination.

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