Thursday, July 9, 2015

Obee Dance School bees havin' a big ole dancin' show tonight, an' Mrs. Barker have sticked me an' Betsy together for to dance the Bamingo.  That feels like deesgustin' for me, but Momma bees proud as a petunia. When we was all swanked up an' gittin' goin', Betsy all on a sudden wouldn't not git in the car. She tole Momma, George ploblably gonnas make me look stupid when we's dancin' the Plamingal, Momma. Which, I thunk she were lookin' pretty stupid already, so I tole her what she prawly can't not git any stupider lookin'; Bamingo or no Bamingo. Then she sayed I were so stupid acause I bees callin' the Pla-min-gal a Bamingo... an' then Momma yelled, yous two git in the car afore we bees late for the stupid dance! I's a darn good Bamingo dancer, but I might jus' gonna hafta step on a couple a her feets tonight.

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