Friday, June 5, 2015

Today I tole Grampy what Momma prawly bees makin' me take Betsy for to play on my baseball team, an' that ain't right acause firsty; she bees a girl, an' for the nother thing, she makes me sick. Grampy gived me very good vice 'bout that. Ya gottsa revolt, Georgie, he telled me. Which, that means, I don't gives a ding dang dickens; I ain't doin' it! So I tole Momma jus' that. Plus I sayed, I is revoltin', Momma. An' guess what? Betsy sayed, George, you is ploblably the most revoltin' thing I has ever sawn! So I sayed, why thanks you, Betsy. An' I thunk; Grampy bees right again. Afore ya knows it, me an my big little older sister Betsy prawly gonna bees gettin' along like two ticks on a terrier's tail. I only jus' hadda beed a little bit revoltin'.

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