Thursday, July 16, 2015

I runned over to my cousint Clive's house today acause he hadded a surprise for to show me. Well, I axed, whatcha gots? Clive sayed, I gots a hare, Georgie! Which, I tole him, ya gots a lots a hairs, Clive. No, Georgie, I gots a hare hare; like a bunny only it bees a hare. I catched it with a box an' a stick an' a carrot. An' sure of nuff; there beed a box bouncin' alls 'round the backyard. I lifted it up for to see the hare, an' he popped out hoppin' hither an' tither like he thunk he were gonna win a dancin' prize. I beed screamin' here, Hare; here, Hare... an' Clive were screamin' somebody git a carrot... an' Aunt Spot started screamin' on us for to be quiet out there... An' the hare getted away. An' everbody bees mad on me. That prawly bees whatcha calls a real bad hare day.

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