Saturday, July 19, 2014

Today has beed the King Kong worstest day what I has ever haved. An' it bees all on Momma's fault. She tole me, I gots a greatest surprise for you, Georgie; you is goin' to the Beauty Saloon! Which, it weren't no saloon fulla beautiful girls what so all. 'Jus a big-haired man-woman sloppin' aroun' an' sprayin' me an' scrubbin' me; an' then she sayed, let's git at that bum, George. I never beed treated so rude in my tire life. Momma says what I smells like flowers now; an' she bees all incited acause she gonna go at the Beauty Saloon next week. I prawly never knowed afore what ever time Momma gits her hair did, she gots a stranger scrubbin' at her bum. That jus' don't seems right.

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